Choosing the right font for the lyrics on your church’s screens can be a tough decision! Of course, it’s important that it’s easy to read and it needs to look good.
For a long time, I would default to something simple, such as Arial, Helvetica, or Myriad Pro. All of these are great typefaces, but they get pretty boring after awhile! So, I began experimenting with some more creative fonts and found that they really add a lot to the Sunday experience. It made our lyrics feel more like a design than simply words on a wall.
It also looked great to match our lyrics with the font from our current series.
If you’re looking to give your lyrics a bold, fresh look, I recommend checking out these fonts:
1. CMG Sans – Free
You can download this font here.
2. Lemon/Milk – Free
You can download this font here.
3. Smoothy Sans – $16
You can download this font here.
4. Raleway Bold – Free
You can download this font here.
5. Bebas Neue – Free
You can download this font here.
6. Faith & Glory – $16
You can download this font here.
Do you have any other unexpected lyric fonts that you would recommend?
Let us know by leaving a comment below!
Backgrounds provided by Church Motion Graphics.
I follow the RSS feed and am excited to see you’re publishing again. Also excited to see my photo up at the top! Thanks for supporting us with great content and by licensing photos!
How cool is that coincidence??? Thanks for following us!
We’ve been using these fonts at Piedmont Chapel and they look great!
PC is our R&D Department, Dylan! ;)
Love Raleway. Also a fan of Fira Sans
I just checked out Fira Sans. Looks awesome!
I love stepping out of the basics, without being too distracting. These are good ones for that! But since you mentioned some basics, I’ll throw in one more that we still use a lot: Gill Sans MT.
Don’t hate.
Gill Sans is a classic! Thanks for bringing that one up!
I am using Gill Sans as well! I just love the geometric feel of the sans-serif font.
Thank you for relaunching the site!
All the way from Philippines. =)
We love Gill Sans and the Philippines! :)
Brain Flower is a great one! Adds that hand drawn feel and gives life to those worship lyrics.
Just checked it out. It looks awesome, Charles!
We use Marker felt Wide for years.
Hi Kendall – Love that the site has been relaunched! This article strikes a chord with me, but for a slightly different reason. I always struggle with “design” compared to “function” for lyric projection. The fact that lyric projection can be “designed” and match other creative materials is fantastic for immersive experiences – but does the actual function of worshiping as a gathered community get lost in the design?
It’s definitely a balance, Mike! It’s the kind of thing that I like to test in our space before going live. I like to think I’m the harshest critic it has to go through. :)
in light of this post, i thought i’d share this bundle that is currently available (ending in 2 weeks):
$29 for a TON of fonts, many of which may bring some new life to our lyric slides and graphics.
i’m in no way affiliated with Design Cuts…i just love their deals!
Thanks for sharing, Gene! This is a great bundle! :)
I have been using Lovelo Black for Praise lately –
Also, Playfair Display is nice for something different for worship –
Both of these look awesome! Thanks for sharing!
Where’s the white outline around the text box?! :)
Haha! We’re not all on that train, Chris. :)
I’ve been using Bebas for the last little while. Quite like the look of Lemon/Milk, so it may be time for another change.
Change is good! :) Let me know how it works for you.
When in doubt, I use Bebas. Bebas family looks gorgeous.
Those are words to live by, Mark. :)
Hello Kendall,
Good thing the website returned. I’m typing here from Brazil which use the Tahoma font by its simplicity and clarity in slides
Have fun with the new fonts!!
Love the Bebas Neue family, agree with Mark, it’s definitely a go to font! Great to have you back posting Kendall…
With fonts like Bebas & Lemon/Milk though how have you found using all caps makes a difference to your community?
I’ve wanted to switch to all caps for a while but I know Jeff McIntosh is adamant it’s not a good idea? Would love to hear how others have found doing this? Don’t want to hinder our community worship time if it will cause people to struggle?!
Would love your thoughts on this?
I don’t think it has really made any difference for our people. But, we’re a progressive bunch. :)
I’ve found that those with dyslexia have trouble with all caps.
Every church has different needs, Cathryn. There is a lot of grey area with this stuff. Do what’s right for your ministry! :)
I feel more comf’table using all caps. And, not boasting or anything, I have heard compliments from the atendees of our community church about my works. So i guess that validates it.
We used to use bebas, but found the spacing between words too inconsistent.
In the fall we switched over to Gotham Bold (it’s not free but I had it for an old project) in all caps and set the tracking (kerning function) to 5. It’s been a great look in our facility and goes really well with our overall visual brand.
Hey, Carson! When we’re not using series-specific font for lyrics at our church, I use the same thing!
I have found this site to be very useful: What I love about this, is that I can create fonts to be very specific to backgrounds or environments.
Very cool, Bradley!
These were great… an easy way to freshen up lyric slides!
Avenir Next Heavy Italics is a good one, as well as Arvil. Both great
We at Impact Church in Lowell, Michigan love “Lovelo”! Free font and very similar to Lemon/Milk.
Is there a way to load these fonts into ProPresenter? If so, could you explain how?
Absolutely! You simply download the font and install it to your computer (the entire system). After that, they will automatically appear in ProPresenter. This works for PC or Mac.
Checking to get your input on this font. We are getting ready to go in a direction with a set font so wanted your input.